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Anouchka Offenstein



Anouchka Offenstein is the librarian and documentalist of the CEJE. After graduating from Frankfurt University where she obtained a MA in Litterature, she qualified as a librarian within the library of Psychology and Educational Sciences Faculty at the Geneva University. She worked as a documentalist at SUISA (the Swiss Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers) and the at the legal departement of the European Broadcasting Union. She joined the CEJE in 2005.

Hours : Monday and Friday: 8 :00 – 13 :00 | Tuesday and Thursday : 8 :00 – 16 :00
E-mail : anouchka.offenstein(at)unige.ch
Telephone : +41 22 379 86 56
Fax : +41 22 379 86 62

Address :

Centre d’études juridiques européennes
Université de Genève
UNI MAIL - Bd du Pont d’Arve 40
CH - 1211 Genève 4

Bureau : UNI MAIL 5068