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Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop – University of Geneva

9th Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop 2024

University of Geneva, 26 November 2024


Call for papers

9th Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop - Effective Judicial Protection and EU External Action

University of Geneva, 26 November 2024

The Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE) of the University of Geneva, Jean Monnet Centre of excellence, and the Ghent European Law Institute (GELI) of Ghent University organise a Doctoral Workshop at the University of Geneva, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christine Kaddous and Prof. Dr. Peter van Elsuwege (Ghent University), on the topic: “Effective Judicial Protection and EU External Action”, in cooperation with the ESIL Interest Group The EU as a Global Actor and the Association Suisse pour le droit européen (ASDE).


Effective judicial protection is a general principle of EU law that can be derived from Article 19 TEU. It is reaffirmed in Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which entails that any person whose rights and freedoms guaranteed by EU law are violated should have the right to an effective remedy before independent and impartial courts and tribunals. As upheld by the Court of Justice on several occasions, the very existence of effective judicial review designed to ensure compliance with provisions of EU law is a core element of respect for the rule of law.

Taking into account that the EU’s external action is subject to the EU’s values as defined in Article 2 TEU, the question arises how the principle of effective judicial protection affects the law and practice of the EU’s external activities. Moreover, supporting the rule of law is one of the objectives of the EU’s external action (Art. 21 TEU). From this perspective, this workshop aims to address, amongst others, the following issues:

- Effective judicial protection and the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP);
- Dispute settlement mechanisms under international agreements concluded on behalf of the EU;
- The role of soft law instruments in EU external action;
- Informal arrangements in the EU’s migration policy;
- Effective judicial protection as a condition for EU membership;
- Etc.

Conditions for submission

Interested PhD students and young scholars should submit their abstracts, in English only, of 600 words (approximately one page). The proposals should address the theme of the Workshop mentioned above. The said proposals, accompanied by detailed CVs and motivation letters, should be submitted to philipp.hahn(at)unige.ch no later than 15 July 2024.

Selection process

The organisers will review the submitted proposals. A final selection will be made and communicated in August 2024.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers, of between 8000-10’000 words, in electronic form, no later than 31 October 2024.


The final version of the papers can be published in the Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers attached to the University of Geneva or the Law & Criminology Journal at Ghent University. Depending on the coherence and quality of the papers produced, an edited volume may be considered.

Organization and coverage of costs

The Centre d’études juridiques européennes and the Ghent European Law Insitute  will cover the accommodation costs in Geneva (one night) and the meals during the workshop. Travel costs will be taken in charge either by the participants or by the Universities or Research Centres or Institutes to which they are  affiliated.

Download the call for papers

Doctoral Workshops :