" I am delighted to announce the launch of a new and innovative module, offered by the University of Geneva, which offers a unique approach connecting trade and key SDGs (Environment, Labour, and Health). Through interactive videos, drag-and-drop exercises, quizzes, and other learning methods, module participants will learn how to design effective policies in trade and sustainable development.
Designed by experts of the University of Geneva, this self-paced module which spans over a period of in principle six months and allows for flexible learning. Don’t let distance be a barrier to learning: join us and our global community of experts and future leaders aware of how trade can contribute to sustainable development! "
The Centre of European Legal Studies of the University of Geneva created a new e-learning course on “How can trade contribute to sustainable development?”. The aim of the course is to look at existing mechanisms, assess their effectiveness and propose innovative solutions to ensure that trade is used at the benefit of sustainable development.
After a general overview on the relationship between trade and sustainable development, the course examines the historical evolution of sustainable development and identify of the most relevant actors who may contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The course deals with specific policy fields, namely environmental protection, protection of labour standards and promotion of public health. The course examines how trade mechanisms at the global, regional and national levels contribute to the achievement of environmental, labour and health SDGs. The e-learning course adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, combining law, economics, political science and international relations.
Through a variety of interactive elements such as quizzes, videos, audios, and readings, the content is easily understandable and presented in an enjoyable manner. Participants who successfully finish the course will receive a certificate of 6 ECTS. The module is organized entirely remotely (no physical presence in Geneva is necessary). The platform is designed to facilitate interaction between participants.
This e-learning course is addressed to a large public - students, professionals in the private sector as well as in the public sector, but is particularly beneficial for national employees, officials of international organizations, NGOs and other institutions covering trade and sustainable development in Geneva and beyond. No prior knowledge of law, economics or international relations is required. Participants with a basic understanding of trade and sustainable development will be able to deepen their understanding of the principles and mechanisms relating these fields. Knowledge and skills acquired will be applicable to a broad range of professional fields.
- With evaluation and 6 ECTS credits: CHF 1’500
- Without evaluation/ECTS credits (certificate of participation): CHF 800.-
- Scholarships and discounts available depending on applications and country of residence
- Scholarships available depending on financial abilities
- Scholarships available for UNIGE alumni and MEIG alumni
Dates: 18 September 2024 - 17 January 2025
Format: Self-paced
Registration deadline: on a rolling basis