Effective judicial protection is a general principle of EU law that can be derived from Article 19 TEU. It is reaffirmed in Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which entails that any person whose rights and freedoms guaranteed by EU law are violated should have the right to an effective remedy before independent and impartial courts and tribunals. As upheld by the Court of Justice on several occasions, the very existence of effective judicial review designed to ensure compliance with provisions of EU law is a core element of respect for the rule of law.
Taking into account that the EU’s external action is subject to the EU’s values as defined in Article 2 TEU, the question arises how the principle of effective judicial protection affects the law and practice of the EU’s external activities. Moreover, supporting the rule of law is one of the objectives of the EU’s external action (Art. 21 TEU). From this perspective, this workshop aims to address, amongst others, the following issues:
The organisers will review the submitted proposals. A final selection will be made and communicated in August 2024.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers, of between 8000-10’000 words, in electronic form, no later than 31 October 2024.
8ème Atelier doctoral 2023
University of Groningen, 21 April 2023

EU Diplomacy: Confronting Legal and Political Insights
University of Groningen (UG), The Netherlands, 21 April 2023
New Location! Norman Building, Lutkenieuwstraat 5, Groningen
This Jean Monnet Workshop is organised by the Department of European and Economic Law of the University of Groningen in the context of the EUDIPLO network on “The European Union in International Diplomatic Relations” (http://eudiplo.eu/), which was officially launched in November 2020. It is meant for PhD students and other early career scholars.
Over the years, the EU’s development as a diplomatic actor has been impressive. With over 140 Union Delegations around the world, the EU has established a network that resembles that of states. The functions of the Delegations largely coincide with those of state embassies. At the same time, the Union has become active in other international organisations, not just as a coordinator of Member States positions, but also in its own rights.
While many studies have focused on this new role of the EU as a diplomatic actor, there has hardly been any exchange between different academic disciplines. This workshop aims to do exactly that as its aims to bring together early career researchers on EU diplomacy with different backgrounds, including European law, international law, international relations, political science, and EU studies. Paper proposals addressing an issue of EU diplomacy are welcome. We encourage both theoretically, empirically and dogmatically driven papers on the topic of the workshop. While mono-disciplinary proposals are very welcome, it will be necessary to indicate the importance of the approach for other academic disciplines. Final papers will also be aimed at a multidisciplinary audience as the main goal of the conference is to learn from each other’s insights.
The draft papers will be commented on by more senior staff and selected papers will be published freely online in online journals we work with. Titles of the panels may be fine-tuned on the basis of the selected papers, but we hope to cluster the presentations around the following three themes: 1. EU diplomacy: internal EU constrains and opportunities; 2. EU diplomacy: external constraints and opportunities; 3. EU diplomacy: options for its development.
Possible themes could relate to the division of EU and Member State competences, international diplomatic/consular law, international institutions, non-intervention, international relations perspectives, the changing world order, state power or state prerogatives, the EEAS and the Union Delegations, the EU’s mediation power, ‘frontiers of EU diplomacy’, internal EU politics facing external challenges, EU development aid, narratives of EU diplomacy, neo-colonialist approaches to EU diplomacy, a European Political Community in the making, to name just a few.
To view the call for paper, please click here
The Final Programme of the workshop is available here.
7ème Atelier doctoral 2021
Genève, 19 novembre 2021 (en ligne)

EUDIPLO - 7th Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop
The Law and Practice of EU Diplomacy in Regional and Global Organisations
University of Geneva, 19 November 2021
(online workshop)
This Doctoral Jean Monnet Workshop is organised by the Centre d’études juridiques européennes of the University of Geneva (www.ceje.ch) in the context of the EUDIPLO network on "The European Union in International Diplomatic Relations" (http://eudiplo.eu/), which was officially launched in November 2020.
To read the call for papers, please click here
The Final Programme of the workshop is available here.
5ème atelier doctoral Jean Monnet - 2019
Genève, les 19-20 septembre 2019

Plus d'informations
Renseignements: philipp.hahn(at)unige.ch
The Centre d’études juridiques européennes of the University of Geneva, Jean Monnet Centre of excellence, organises a Doctoral Workshop, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christine Kaddous, on the topic :
Bilateralism versus Multilateralism.
Geneva, 19-20 September 2019
Interested PhD students and young scholars are encouraged to submit proposal summaries, in English, of 600 words (approximately one page). The proposals should address the themes of the Workshop mentioned above. The said proposals, accompanied by detailed CVs and motivation letters should be submitted to philipp.hahn(at)unige.ch no later than 15 March 2019.
To read the full text, please click here.
4ème atelier doctoral Jean Monnet - 2018
Leuven, les 20-21 septembre 2018

The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (GGS), the Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE) in Geneva, the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) in The Hague and European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration are pleased to launch a call for papers for an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Symposium on the topic:
Democracy, Rule of Law and Human RIghts in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation
Leuven, September 20-21, 2018
Interested PhD students and young scholars are encouraged to submit proposal summaries, in English, of 3000 characters (approx. one page) addressing various aspects of the Symposiun's topic.
The proposals, accompanied by detailed CVs and motivation letters should be submitted to profjanwouters(at)ggs.kuleuven.be no later than Monday 2 July 2018.
The review process will be completed and notified by Monday 16 July 2018. Selected candidates are expected to submit electronic versions of the complete drafts of their papers (between 8000-10.000 words) no later than Friday 14 September 2018.
The final versions of the papers will be published in European Papers, in the Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers, in the CLEER and GGS working paper series, after having gone through the editorial review required by the organizers. An edited volume may be considered.
For more information, click here to download the detailed Call for Proposals.
The Symposium Directors are Prof. Dr. Enzo Cannizzaro (Rome), Prof. Dr. Christine Kaddous (Geneva), Prof. Dr. Ramses Wessel (Twente) and Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters (Leuven).
3ème atelier doctoral Jean Monnet - 2017
Université de Genève, les 6-7 juillet 2017
On 6-7 July 2017, the University of Geneva hosted the third Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop on the topic ‘The EU as a Global Actor in ...’. The Workshop, organized by the Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE), Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, gave a unique opportunity to twelve young scholars and researchers to give presentations in one of the five panels of the Workshop. The presentations were commented and discussed by a Panel of Experts, comprised of five renown Professors in the field of the EU’s External Relations. The Workshop was launched with a welcome speech by Prof. Christine Kaddous and a roundtable during which the Professors, members of the Panel of Experts, gave brief presentations on various aspects of the theme of the Workshop “The EU as a Global Actor in…”. (…)
To read the full text, please click here.
2ème atelier doctoral Jean Monnet - 2016
City University London, les 23-24 juin 2016

1er atelier doctoral Jean Monnet - 2015
Université de Genève, les 23-26 septembre 2015

Le Centre d’études juridiques européennes de l’Université de Genève, Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet, a organisé un atelier doctoral, sous la direction du professeur Christine Kaddous, sur le thème « Dialogue des juges. La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et les autres juridictions internationales ». Celui-ci s’est tenu du 23 au 26 septembre 2015 à l’Université de Genève.

La conférence d’ouverture a été donnée par M. Niilo Jääskinen, Avocat général à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne sur le thème « Le juge face à des régimes juridiques distincts ».
Un compte rendu de la conférence et de l’atelier doctoral se trouve ici. Les papiers qui ont été présentés par les doctorants lors de l’atelier seront publiés dans la série Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers.